Knitting in a Post Vacation Visit Funk

My husband, as a surprise to the girls (and me, except that I found out about it a couple of weeks early), flew my son and his little family (and me) to CA to visit my sister and mom and then flew us all back here to NJ for a two week visit. They helped us clean out the massive mess that was my home while they were here, besides having fun times with the girls and my daughter-in-law’s sister and husband that also came up to visit from MD.

They left last Friday and since then, I’ve been in a funk. It was nice to have a two-week vacation from the things that have been pressing on my mind. Unfortunately, as is usually the case when others see your life, some “new” things cropped up during their visit that I now have to deal with. And, of course, those things that were put on hold for two weeks are now all clamoring to be done. That, added to the lack of sleep which, in my case, always accompanies vacations and visits with family, has put me in a blue funk.

Knitting has taken a back seat to these activities, but I’m still doing a little. I started a KAL from the ravelry American Girl Knitters group – to make an AG sized pet for our dolls. Of course, I feel like I should design a pattern, knit up a sample and then make two or three, one for each of my dolls. I can’t help but want to add variations to the pattern I chose (a cat sitting all prim and proper). We’ll see if I finish it, as well as the second one that I’ve already got plans and yarn for.

I’m also working on the second sample for an AG doll top that I’d like to get ready and have test knitted soon, but because of my funk, I have a hard time making myself do it. The thing is, it’s in a bright, happy color and I found the cutest buttons on the planet for it. But I still can’t seem to make myself sit down and knit it. Ok, I started yesterday and have 4 rows done, but still!

Along with those, I’m trying to finish up the (feels like overwhelming) task of finishing the decluttering we started two weeks ago, plus trying to instill habits in all of us to maintain the wonderful, newly super-cleaned parts of the house so that we never, EVER, have to do that kind of deep, super cleaning ever again. All while trying to catch up with things that need to be done and all the things that are done regularly now: church responsibilities; chair yoga class for me; SAT practice for my 17-yo; helping my 19-yo find a job; working at my day job; finishing up my third book on programming so I can eventually leave that day job; home schooling said 17-yo; getting my belly dance class ready to perform in Oct; getting back on a good sleep (DETOX!!) and eating schedule; going through all the medical bills again to make sure that they all have contacted the third insurance company we had before the deadline to submit “old” claims.

Not easy – especially when all I really want to do right now is sleep until the Second Coming.

I need to make deadlines for myself. Ok, here are some:

1. Finish the sample AG top by Sat, Aug 23.

2. Mail all the boxes of stuff that I promised my son by Fri, Aug 22.

3. Shred all the paper still needing to be shredded by Thu, Aug 21 ( that’s paper recycling day here in NJ)

4. Make a schedule for decluttering the other rooms by Sun, Aug 24.

And do all the other stuff by the time that it is due.

Oh well. It’s time to drive my husband to the train and get on with my day. I’ll print out that little list of deadlines and get going.

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