
I am the ADHD mother of three, wife of one, mother-in-law to one, and new grandma to one. I have two home-schooled teenage daughters, work basically full-time at a grocery store, am active in my church (work with the teenage girls program and the family history center), love to read many different types of books, watch all kinds of movies, and have a never-ending goal of organizing my home, complete with healthy meals and wholesome activities for all.

Not to mention: I love knitting.

Peace. That is my goal: to have peace while living my hectic, sometimes chaotic life. Knitting brings me peace. I love knitting. I love designing new things to knit. I love teaching others to knit. I love wandering through all kinds of yarn stores from the chain craft stores to the specialty local yarn stores. I love talking about knitting, time management, food (all kinds, but especially quick, healthy foods).

This is what this blog is about: finding peace through knitting, designing, teaching and finding ways to have more time to knit.


2 Responses to About

  1. Sandy Allen says:

    I have to smile Greta…after all of these years, we still have so much in common! I’ll have to send you pictures of my knitting stashes! I buy yarn that I see that I love and then think of something to knit with it. As Jay is thinking about getting out of the Army, I think about getting a small knitting store…not to make money, but so I can further indulge my passion for yarn and fiber….I have a spinning wheel in the mix too!

    • i”ve often thought that I would love to have a yarn/used book store. that way I could have my two favorite hobbies together. I learned how to use a drop spindle this summer. I’m afraid I’d never be able to spin enough yarn to knit into something, but I can see me getting into spinning in a big way if I let myself.

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